How do I cancel a donor's recurring subscription?

Managing a recurring subscription

We recommend encouraging the donor to use their donor dashboard to manage their own subscription. The link to their personal dashboard can be accessed at the bottom of every DonorSecure donation email. You can also grab the link and share it with them by going under Users > Find the donor > Click Dashboard next to their name. The URL link is their unique donor dashboard link.

Canceling the recurring subscription

If you prefer video visuals, you can see the steps in this video.

  1. On your DonorSecure dashboard, go to Users on the left menu > Find the donor > Click Dashboard next to their name.
  2. On the donor's dashboard, scroll down to the Recurring Donations section. You'll see the next charging date on the left column — this means the subscription is still active.
  3. Click Manage. Under this page, you'll find a few different options to prevent churn and for the donor to manage their donation. 
  4. Click on Modify Payment Schedule. 
  5. The donor can choose to pause their donation between one to three months under Snooze. Or, click to Cancel Future Gifts to cancel their recurring donation completely.
  6. Return to the donor's dashboard and under next charging date, it will be blank. This means the subscription is now cancelled and will not be charged again.
  7. The donor will always be able to come back to their dashboard and reactivate their recurring donation by clicking Manage on the main dashboard page.